
TZ016 - Fund for Scholarships

Ensuring the necessary resources to a fund to hand out scholarships to deserving students with special needs such as the frequency of high school or college courses, staying in the hostel, the trip and stay for study in locations far away from village of origin .. .
Mission: Masonga-Tanzania
Amount needed:

Any donations is accepted.

TZ006 - Seeds for Farming Start Up

Grant to a family, with limited financial means, the needed seeds (of corn and beans) to start up farming.
Mission: Masonga-Tanzania
Amount of donation:

35 Euros

for one family

TZ005 - Adopt a Pupil

Enable children, with limited financial means, to attend primary school.
Mission: Masonga-Tanzania
Amount of donation:

100 Euros

/annum for one pupil

TZ001 - Breakfast in Masonga

Offer the students of the Mission (primary and secondary school pupils) breakfast cooked with cassava flour.
Mission: Masonga-Tanzania
Amount of donation:

2 Euros

/annum for one student

TZ002 - Adopt a Child

Offer financial aid to children of the Mission, to increase their family income and support the improvement of the quality of their lives and allowing them to go to school.
Mission: Kimbiji-Tanzania
Local Contact: Father Dominick Otieno
Amount of donation:

30 Euros

/month for one child

TZ003 - Student Grant

Enable students with limited financial means to further their studies by providing partial tuition support (families are expected to contribute towards c.20% of the costs)
Mission: Masonga-Tanzania

Amount of donation:

400 Euros

/annum for one child

Partial donations are also accepted.

TZ004 - Adopt a Group of Children

Grant to a group of children of the Mission the minimal financial resources (covering food and healthcare) to allow them to go to primary school.
Mission: Kimbiji-Tanzania
Local Contact: Father Dominick Otieno

Amount of donation:

100 Euros

/month for each group of children

Partial donations are also accepted.


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